Summer Workshops

Morning Events

Moderated by Nick Myatt, Principal Consultant - Decision Management and Richard Cowley, Principal Consultant, FICO

AI - The auto industry is at a crossroads and the rate of change is accelerating – can you keep pace?

Key insights into the use of automated decisioning platforms to adopt and deploy agile and data-driven solutions which reduce costs, and rapid results which can be adapted quickly to changing market conditions.

The auto and commercial vehicle market faces a confluence of challenges including rising regulatory risk, the cost shift to electric vehicles (BEVs), increased concentration risk, and a re-evaluation of roles within the finance distribution chain. Automated decisioning is one element in lenders’ tool-kits to manage these challenges.

  • Enhanced Customer Management: Deploy automated decisioning not just for basic crediting scoring but to tailor offers, pricing, and risk assessments. FICO solutions leverage rich consumer data and advanced analytics to create a holistic customer profile which allows lenders to foster stronger customer relationships and build loyalty.
  • Agile Decision-Making: Capitalise on new market opportunities and respond proactively to changing regulations and consumer preferences. Understand how FICO's centralised and configurable decisioning platforms avoid the limitations of siloed systems which often hinder responsiveness. Demonstration of how lenders can use FICO’s platform to adjust credit policies, pricing models, and marketing strategies in real-time.
  • Streamlined Operations: Understand how FICO's platforms automate credit decisioning, reducing manual processes and human error. Key benefits include faster loan approvals, lower operational costs, and improved efficiency throughout the lending process.

Sponsored by FICO

Building the next-gen asset finance business - POSTPONED

Workshop run by Murad Baig, head of asset and auto finance at FIS, for asset finance practitioners (business leaders and technologists) focusing on three core pillars of transformation: automation, sustainability and ecosystems.

This is a practical workshop which includes real-life use cases and a summary of the lessons learned from FIS and other organisations’ tech implementations.

Sponsored by FIS

Broker-Lender roundtables as part of the 11.30 to 1pm Asset Finance Stream

Afternoon Events


From broker to hybrid lender: key things brokers need to know if they want access to wholesale funding (2pm to 3pm)

One hour session to help brokers understand the critical issues associated with attracting wholesale funding.

Many of the largest asset finance lenders started out as asset finance brokerages. Right now, the appetite among some brokers to go hybrid appears to be rising. Key factors influencing this decision includes an explosion in the number of non-specialist brokers offering a low-service high volume approach to broking; increasing demands from lenders keen to manage their own volumes and compliance risk; and the increasing attention of the regulator who seem unsure about the value brokers offer, and worry about the way in which they are remunerated.

This one hour roundtable will introduce brokers to the opportunities and challenges of hybrid lending; help them understand what’s involved in raising wholesale funding and will specifically explore block discounting as a first step in a prospective hybrid lenders development journey.

  • Understand the opportunities and challenges for hybrid lending
  • Learn more about block discounters and what they need to fund asset finance lenders
  • Ask a leading expert on wholesale finance the practical steps you need to take 

This session will be run by Rob Harris. Rob has a near forty year career in the Asset Finance market spent working in senior positions for Corporate, Investment, Islamic and Challenger Banks. For the last four years he has established a specialist Consultancy business for Banks and Intermediary lenders focusing on Block & Wholesale Funding, Treasury and general Asset Finance products / Syndication alongside NED roles.


Foundation Day

Foundation of The Guild of Business Finance Professionals – a closed-door session for the founding members of a new modern-day Guild.

If you are an independent asset finance broker and would like to know more, then please contact Trevor Pirie


Next Generation Community - focus on adversity and resilience

Auto and asset finance companies can nominate young professionals from their organisation's to attend the conference session to network with their peers, whilst learning about the industry from auto, asset and equipment finance industry leaders.

Keynote: Philip White, Chief Executive Officer of the Broker Hub, will be the keynote speaker, presenting to the Leasing Foundation’s next gen community at the AFC workshop.

Philip suffered a spinal cord injury following an accident at home in 2019, leaving him with a broken C5 vertebrae and damage to his spinal cord. Philip's resilience and determination amidst adversity have been instrumental in carrying him through profound physical and mental hurdles.

In addition to his role as CEO of the Broker Hub and various non-executive position within financial organisations, Philip is patron of the Wings for Life foundation, a not-for-profit spinal cord research foundation with the mission to find a cure for spinal cord injury.

At the Next Generation Workshop, Philip will develop the theme of managing adversity and developing resilience within the workplace, sharing his personal and professional experiences.

Roundtable discussions: Next Gen participants will then be invited to join roundtables to network and engage in insightful discussion with their peers focusing on issues arising from Philip’s presentation including: adversity, resilience, endurance, goal setting, discipline, strategic planning, focus, time management, adaptability, and self motivation. Delegates should be prepared to share their own experiences of adversity both in their personal and professional lives, and how these experiences have helped to shape their career outlook.

Roundtable sessions will also discuss how resilience is important in the workplace and how businesses can encourage resilience.

Industry professionals from the Leasing Foundation community and past 30 under 30 cohorts will act as moderators, providing added insight on the topics.

Moderators include:

  • Philip White, Chief Executive Officer of the Broker Hub
  • Helen Woodhouse, VP, Marketing, EMEA, Odessa
  • Claire Perham, Senior Manager Digital SME Proposition and Channel, Shawbrook
  • Jamie Nelson, Director, Compass Business Finance
  • Alexandra McWilliams, Communications Manager, Simply
  • Lauren McQuilken, Business Development Manager - Asset Finance, United Trust Bank
  • Laura Mollett, Head of Broker Sales, Time Finance
  • Lauren Rhodes, Commercial Director, Close Brothers

Tickets will be available to our young professionals for the AFC Autumn Conference and exclusive access to the Next Generation Workshop at the special rate of £120 plus VAT.

If you have any queries or require further details about the Next Generation session, please contact Lisa Laverick

To book your young talent into the next gen event at the reduced price of £120 plus VAT per ticket, please contact Louise Clavey

Suggested criteria for attendees to the Next Generation Workshop:

  • Typically we are looking for people who are not already embedded deep in the asset/auto/equipment finance market;
  • At the early stage of developing a network of people ie beyond their immediate colleagues;
  • Who are focussed on careers and perhaps even trying out different specialisms;
  • Maybe those with specific concerns (eg D&I);
  • Those who are driven by purpose;
  • Bright people with promise who would benefit; and/or
  • Those who are keen to share their experience with the above.

This is by no means a definite list and we would recommend the organisation makes the decision based on who they feel would gain the most from attending - the above is purely for guidance.

Interested in attending one or more of the workshops?

If you would like to enquire about any of the workshops, please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.